
Login with SPID

Enter with the Public System for the management of the Digital Identity

SPID is the access system that allows you to use the online services of the Public Administration and accredited private individuals with a unique digital identity. If you already have a digital identity, log in with your manager's credentials. If you don't have a digital identity yet, request it from one of the managers.

Login with CIE

The Electronic Identity Card (CIE) is the access key, guaranteed by the State and issued by the Ministry of the Interior, which allows citizens to securely authenticate themselves to the online services of entities and public administrations that allow their use.

Login con eIDAS

La nueva identidad digital europea pasa por la modificación del reglamento eIDAS (electronic IDentification Authentication and Signature), que desde 2014 sienta las bases para la identificación, autenticación y certificación electrónica transfronteriza de sitios web dentro de la UE.